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Hi there!

This is my first blog post! I'm not sure what people usually write about on their first blog posts, but I guess it's alright to start off with an introduction for anyone interested. :)

I recently graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a double-major in Physics and Astronomy. I initially went in as just astronomy because I found it interesting working with data from space, but later on, I came to also really like the problem solving aspect of Physics. Now, I have taken a strong interest in data science!

Now you might ask, how did this happen? One important distinction that enticed me about data science is that unlike Physics or math, often times there is no one correct answer to a problem. To me, this is what makes data science so intriguing (yet so frustrating at times)! Another reason is just how broad the field of data science is and the amount of different ways it could be applied to our world. Not only are we using math, stats, and programming, but we're also testing our communication skills to be able to tell a compelling story with data. To me, this is what makes data science so challenging and so fulfilling at the same time. It's a field where I'm always learning new things and I'm never bored with it!

I have actually thought of making a blog before, but just couldn't bring myself to actually make one until now. I was never really sure what I would write about or what people would be interested in reading. Now that I'm enrolled in the Metis bootcamp, I am now really motivated to create this blog!

My intentions with this blog is for it to be a destination for me to document my learning process as I go through with the program. Additionally, I hope people will be able to look upon it and gain some inspiration or ideas for their own data science projects (or perhaps even give me some recommendations on projects to do or how to make my projects better)!

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog!


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Emily Ng



Emily Ng

Welcome to my data science blog! I hope you enjoy reading about some of the stuff I've done.

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