Hello and Welcome!

My name is Emily and I am an aspiring data scientist in Chicago, IL. I have a background in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. During my time at UIUC my interest in computer science and working with data grew and pushed me towards the extremely vast and diverse field of data science.

I have always been filled with curiosity and am always seeking to learn new things. Currently, I am learning data science through the Metis Data Science Program. Along the way, I intend to post my project progressions to share the new things I have learned as well as my experience with Metis.

I update my Github more frequently than this blog, so if you'd like to know what I'm currently working on, I suggest taking a look at my Github page!

My favorite genre of books and movies are mystery and suspense! To me, data science feels like being a detective that takes data as clues that build up to a complete picture. Data science allows us to answer complicated questions and provide conclusions to drive difficult decision making.


Emily Ng

Welcome to my data science blog! I hope you enjoy reading about some of the stuff I've done.

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